Top 10 Websites Mentioned in Box Office Movies
There are plenty of box office hits that feature fake websites designed specifically for the movie. These websites typically consist of a web address and sometimes even a redirection to a real website such as in our first example. Website URLs mentioned in box office movies can become quite popular with the fans and draw in large amounts of traffic upon release of the movie. If you’re a movie buff, you will surely enjoy this list of fake websites used in movies.
Website: Flesh of the Stars / Mr. Skin
Movie: Knocked Up
Release Date: May 26, 2007
Flesh of the Stars is a website that the characters of the movie Knocked Up are actively working on in the movie. The concept of Flesh of the Stars was to allow visitors to find specific points in the movie where the visitor’s favorite actress can be seen in the nude. In reality, Flesh of the Stars redirects to Mr. Skin which is a real life version of this concept.

Movie: Monsters, Inc.
Release Date: October 28, 2001 was created to promote the actual movie, Monsters University. The website went live years before Monsters University the movie was released. The website features an authentic university design and fake images of monster students, course info and other various information from the original movie, Monsters, Inc.

Movie: 40 Days and 40 Nights
Release Date: March 1, 2002 is the website of the company that the main character in 40 Days and 40 Nights. In the movie, the Cyber Nanny company provides an online service for parents to help block adult websites from being accessed by their children. Cyber Nanny employs its staff to crawl the Internet in search of adult websites which are then added to a moderated list used in parental control features used by parents with curious children.

Movie: Friends with Benefits
Release Date: July 22, 2011
In the movie, Friends with Benefits, the two main characters are having a conversation about how popular a website could quickly become with just an image (or video) of Mila Kunis’ character, Jamie, mixing cake batter with her boobs. Justin Timberlake’s character, Dylan, quickly quips, “That’s been done.” and so the website was born.

Movie: Sex and the City: The Movie
Release Date: May 30, 2008 is mentioned in the movie Sex and the City: The Movie. It is the home of main character and author, Carrie Bradshaw. Unfortuantely, not much information was given beyond this point and it is assumed that it would contain a bio of Carrie and access to purchase her books online.

Movie: Superbad
Release Date: August 17, 2007
In the movie Superbad, the website is mentioned by Jonah Hill’s character, Seth. Seth is with Michael Cera’s character, Evan, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse’s character, Fogell. Seth tells the guys, “Hey, man, I was doing some research for next year and I think I figured out which website I wanna subscribe to. The Vag-Tastic Voyage.” The website is a true testament to real life porn websites as the name fits the industry perfectly.

Movie: Wall-E
Release Date: June 27, 2008
Good ol’ Buy N Large is the evil corporation in the movie Wall-E responsible for polluting planet Earth for as far as the eye can see. Wall-E is a lonely robot with the sole task of cleaning up junk left over primarily from the Buy N Large corporation. Buy N Large is well known in the movie for selling needless junk to over indulging humans who have left the planet long ago in turn for a lazy and cookie cutter existence on a space ship far from Earth in outer space.

Movie: Untraceable
Release Date: January 25, 2008
In the movie Untraceable, the website is used as a sort of scape goat to kill a human that is currently being filmed and live streamed to millions of website visitors as the target of the website. The concept is that the public is told not to go to the website, and true to the human nature, one must do what they are told not to. The more visitors that click through to the website out of curiosity, the closer the soon to be victim is to being killed. In real life, the website is identical to how it is featured in the movie. Creepy.

Movie: Hot Tub Time Machine
Release Date: March 26, 2010 is the result of Rob Corddry’s character, Lou’s imagination to travel back in time and create a website like Google, but before it existed. Lougle is Lou’s search engine website named after himself in a play on Google’s brand name. Lou’s other claim to fame in the movie is being a member of the band Motley Lou.
Bonus: Video from the movie!
Movie: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Release Date: August 24, 2001 is mentioned in the movie Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. It is mentioned by Ben Affleck’s character, Holden McNeil while he explains to his two friends what the Internet is and what it is used for. Of course, in this case he describes the website as “a site populated by militant movie buffs, sad, pathetic, little bastards living in their parent’s basements, downloading scripts and what they think is inside information about movies and actors they claim to despise, but can’t stop discussing.”